Jason Freeman, Bright Veil

Jason Freeman, Bright Veil


Jason Freeman, Bright Veil, 2019, 1/10, Pigment print, 24 x 16 inches, $975.

My work as a self-portrait photographer is a deeply personal exploration of identity, vulnerability, and self-discovery. Through my images, I strive to peel back the layers of who I am and lay bare my innermost thoughts and sentiments. This work deconstructs and challenges traditional stereotypes of masculinity that society imposes. By drawing inspiration from these very paradigms, I create art that tests these norms with a more nuanced understanding of masculinity. This approach allows me to test and disrupt these definitions while exploring my own thoughts on masculinity. - J. F.

Jason Freeman is a fine art self-portrait photographer known for his intimate and introspective work influenced by his surroundings. Through the medium of self-portraiture, he explores the depths of his own emotions, vulnerabilities and dreams, inviting viewers to join him on this journey of self-curiosity. He continues to create evocative and thought-provoking self-portraits that explore the complexities of his human experience.

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Jason Freeman, Searching for the moon

Jason Freeman, Searching for the moon
