Jonty Sale, Washerspit, 3/6

Jonty Sale, Washerspit, 3/6


2012, Silver print, 40 x 30 inches

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I, too, live in the company of trees, in the south-west of England. The way I work constanly changes, but these pictures were made close to home, in the conventional analogue manner, using a large format field camera, a negative, and printing in a darkroom (in Maine). It is my experience of the forest that I am left uncertain - of orientation, taxonomy and time; often overwhelmed by the multitude, its relations and apparent ceaselessness of activity. However, I enjoy this state of doubt and unknowing, and the excitement sets my imagination to play. The most opposite way of translating this emotion was by making multiple exposures, building a composite image on the negative, without knowledge of how it would come out. I prefer to understand the landscape as the point of departure, rather than the destination: these pictures, therefore, are not an imitation, but rather a parallel of reality, creating an ambiguous surface which tilts the relationship between firm ground and suggested form. An idea of the forest happening.  JS

Jonty Sale, Squallsmire

Jonty Sale, Squallsmire

Jonty Sale, Terraces #1

Jonty Sale, Terraces #1

Jonty Sale, Terraces #1

Jonty Sale, Terraces #1

Jonty Sale, Pinchpenny #1, 3/6

Jonty Sale, Pinchpenny #1, 3/6
