Cole Caswell, Accretion Archive : Nola– Santa Fe

Cole Caswell, Accretion Archive : Nola– Santa Fe


ink jet print, 9”x6”

The Accretion Archive is part of a larger expedition based art practice. Function under a nomadic and immersive

format the project investigates contemporary forms of subsistence living. The images in the Accretion Archive

document this expedition and the emergent and historically situated ways of relating to the land.

Records of an expedition across the South and Southwestern United States. These images capture the transient

and unconventional forms of transportation and survival that were practiced as we hitched and hopped trains across

the given social and ecological terrain.

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01_BurnRate.jpg 02_BurnRate.jpg

Cole Caswell, Burn Rate

Cole Caswell, Rise Caswell Rise Book AP 01.jpg

Cole Caswell, Rise

01_Gestures.jpg 02_Gestures.jpg

Cole Caswell, Gestures From Wilderness

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Cole Caswell, The Island

Cole Caswell, Source Below the Rim 13_Cole_Caswell_IMG_9970.jpg
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Cole Caswell, Source Below the Rim
